%0 Journal Article %T Value of 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal tumors %A Zhu, Zheng %A Zhao, Yanfeng %A Zhao, Xin-Ming %A Wang, Xiaoyi %A Dai, Jingrui %A Ouyang, Han %A Zhou, Chunwu %J Translational Cancer Research %D 2019 %B 2019 %9 %! Value of 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal tumors %K %X Background: To evaluate the diagnostic value of 3.0T MR for differentiating benign from malignant primary retroperitoneal tumors (RPTs). Methods: A total of 81 patients (44 males and 37 females; 31 benign and 50 malignant lesions) who underwent surgical resection for RPT were evaluated retrospectively. The MR features included lesion location, number, size, margin, surfaces, texture (solid or non-solid), MRhyperintense and MRhypointense signal intensity, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value and the presence of fat, necrosis and hemorrhage. Categorical variables were tested with a χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test for the diagnostic indices and the sensitivity and specificity of MR characteristics. Results: Using six indices (ill-defined margins, irregular surface, major diameter >5.85 cm, minor diameter >5.35 cm, solid texture and ADC %U https://tcr.amegroups.org/article/view/29423 %V 8 %N 3 %P 867-875 %@ 2219-6803