Erratum to hypofractionation in prostate cancer radiotherapy
Erratum to: Transl Cancer Res 2020;9:763-73.
In the February 2020 issue of Translational Cancer Research, the paper titled “High-mobility group A1 (HMGA1) gene expressions in various colorectal cancer cell lines and correlation with prognosis” (1), was published with some errors in Figure 4D and the description of the Figure 4 in the “Results” section. The reason is that the scatterplot is incorrectly named.

In the “Results” section, the description of the Figure 4 and the whole Figure 4 should be corrected as below (the figure legend remains intact):
Expression levels of HMGA1 in kidney cancer (RCC) (Figure 4)
We analyzed the HMGA1 expression level in kidney papillary cell carcinoma (pRCC) and kidney clear cell carcinoma (ccRCC). We found that HMGA1 expression level correlated with the clinical overall survival time of patients. The data showed that the lower expression HMGA1 group had a significantly higher (P<0.05) ten-year survival rate than the high expression group (Figure 4A,4C). We also analyzed the expression level of HMGA1 in kidney tumor tissues and matched normal tissues; the analysis indicated a high expression of HMGA1 in pRCC tissues in contrast to normal tissues (P<0.05) (Figure 4B). Conversely, ccRCC displayed an opposing pattern (Figure 4D). Emerging evidence suggests that HMGA1 is higher expressed in ccRCC tissues than normal tissues, especially in metastatic tumor tissues and high-grade RCC (13-16), Chi et al. identified HMGA1 have promote the metastasis of ccRCC via Wnt signaling pathways (17). Several factors might explain the observed reduced HMGA1 expression in our ccRCC: (I) potential limitations in enrollment within TCGA database, possibly influenced by population biases and a constrained patient cohort (18); (II) the scatter plot delineates the disparities in gene expression between cancer and normal tissues, primarily reflecting the variations arising during tumorigenesis. Concurrently, survival prognosis analysis stratifies HMGA1 gene expression in cancer tissues into higher and lower cohorts, subsequently investigating the implications of HMGA1 in the malignancy progression. Notably, RCC exhibits a comparatively favorable prognosis, The 5-year survival of RCC patients with partial nephrectomy was 99.2% for Whites and 93.8% for Blacks (19,20), suggesting RCC tissue is relatively mature differentiation and the potential for lower HMGA1 expression within the tumor and higher expression in the adjacent normal tissues; (III) concerning HMGA1 protein expression, it’s pivotal to recognize that proteins serve as the primary functional entities in cellular processes. In the context of ccRCC, it remains uncertain whether HMGA1 mRNA undergoes complete translation to produce corresponding proteins, and if these translated proteins exhibit stability without undergoing degradation pathways, such as ubiquitination. In summary, delineating the expression and function of HMGA1 in ccRCC requires integration with relevant research results and targeted cellular assays.
Due to the addition of new references, the references list and in-text citations should be renumbered. The updated reference should be updated as follows:
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The authors sincerely apologize for the error and state that this does not affect the scientific conclusions of the article.
Click here to view the updated version of the article.
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- E. MP. High-mobility group A1 (HMGA1) gene expressions in various colorectal cancer cell lines and correlation with prognosis. Transl Cancer Res 2020;9:763-73. [Crossref] [PubMed]